So you've got all the obvious essential resources like paper, pens, computer, internet connection, library card, counters, books etc. So here are a few more luxury items that I couldn't live without.
My car - NOT |
I know many home-educators live without a car but, to me, unless you live in the same street as 30 other home educating families a car is essential. Make sure it has a big boot because you will be hauling dripping wet artworks, scooters, picnics and more around the country to meet up with other home educating friends.
A2 paper storage from IKEA |
Children's storage furniture from IKEA |
Storage is a big essential item. We have this great paper storage cabinet available at
IKEA. It can hold paper up to A2 in size and its way cheaper than anything you can get at the educational suppliers.
IKEA also do a great range of children's storage furniture. This stuff is strong, made from real solid wood its tough enough for me to stand on. The top makes an ideas display space or table top.
Drying rack |
This drying rack gets used all the time. It can hold up to 20 A3 or 40 A4 sheets. These are not cheap and its worth shopping round for them. The main problem is trying to find some place to put it. Ours currently resides on top of the washing machine.
Paper trimmer |
A paper trimmer is another very useful item. Available at any office supply store
A3 colour printer |
An A3 printer is useful, especially when working with young children who need more space to write and draw on a worksheet or template.
A digital camera is essential if you want to make a blog of your home education journey. Also useful for documenting evidence of learning. I also put mine to use when I would like to use an A3 scanner (which I don't have), just photograph the item instead, enlarge on the computer and print out.