Friday, 25 September 2020
Flower Photography
Flower Photography!
Today we did some flower photography from some flowers I've grown in my garden. The picture above is an edited photo (hue and saturation changed), of an Icelandic poppy, sweet peas, and some geraniums.
More hue and saturation edited sweet peas and geraniums.
And this is coastal pigs face. (Not sure why its called that).
Monday, 14 September 2020
Car Maintenance and Cushion Quilting
Meanwhile L and I spent some time making a quilted cushion.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Microscope Photography
Today for my photography lesson, I was tasked to take three pictures using a 300x magnification digital microscope, and have people guess what they are. Answers are below.


This pendant!!

The answer is...

These check tickets.

This, which is...

A pin.
Microscope Photography
Today we did some photography with my new digital microscope which can magnify up to 300x which I won from a Minecraft competition through the WA Maratime museum. We had to guess the 3 pictures.
I challenge you to guess what the 3 pictures are. Answers will be at the bottom (no cheating!)
Fruit Splash Photography!
'Threshold' inverted colour.
A little while ago we did some photography involving fruit, water, and a whole lot of getting wet! The setup consisted of a piece of white cardboard as the background with a flashgun aimed at it. The camera was on a tripod, and the shutter was triggered by the remote control. It was quite difficult because you had to press the button at just the right time or (A. the splash hadn't happened yet or (B. the splash was gone. We had to do trial and error to get just the right time so you get the splash.
I have edited a single photograph, and changed it into 3 different photos!
An inverted colour version.
This is the origional photograph. (Below)
Friday, 4 September 2020
Ancient Rome at the Maritime Museum
Waterwheel |
Crane |
Gears |
Water clock |
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Splash Photography
Today, I did some splash photography for my lesson. It involved putting the camera on a tripod, filling a glass with water, and taking a photo at the exact time that a small mandarin lands in the glass. It was quite complex, and we had to use a special remote to trigger the camera, and have a backdrop. The setup also had a flash, which was out of the shot.
This is the base photo:

And these are two edited photos!

Comment which one you like best! Mine is the one on the right.