This weekend we went to Whiteman Park for Envirofest. There were several displays of native wildlife, flora and fauna.
This weekend we went to Whiteman Park for Envirofest. There were several displays of native wildlife, flora and fauna.
This is my favourite picture, I especially like the outlined bit on the right. (above here)
Today we did some bubble photography in a wine glass. We used extention tubes on the camera, and a flashbox to light it up.
Today for my photography lesson, I was taking photos of bubbles on wine glasses. This is done using a bubble mixture, an external flash box, and a black tablecloth. These are the results:
On sundays we go to a community garden, and work there for a while.
The corn bed, and me taking notes at a hay bale garden bed workshop.
Today, we were doing photography of eyeballs. We even managed to get a picture of a cat eyeball (surprising, considering that the cats never sit still)!
Here are the results:
This is a photo of my eye (L), taken outdoors.
It was quite difficult to get the eyes focused because the eyelashes kept being in focus, also it kept not being bright enough, so we had to put the ISO to 1600 to make it bright enough, also we had to use a torch some of the times!
Another one of me, but taken indoors this time.
I took quite a few of Columbus, because he was finally still enough to photograph!
Today, I was doing some cat photography. You may not think so, but it is very difficult, as the cats will NOT SIT STILL. ARGH!
Here are the results:
Today I did some photography of our cats, but the only one I could keep still was Lizzie, so I decided to make a blog post using only her photos. I used my phone, and to get it black and white I used a filter, then edited them a little bit on Photoshop.
I tried this one when she was relaxing.
Using a slightly different filter this time.
And finally, Lizzie's eye, cropped to how it is from one of my other photos.
More hue and saturation edited sweet peas and geraniums.
And this is coastal pigs face. (Not sure why its called that).
Meanwhile L and I spent some time making a quilted cushion.
Today for my photography lesson, I was tasked to take three pictures using a 300x magnification digital microscope, and have people guess what they are. Answers are below.
This pendant!!
The answer is...
These check tickets.
This, which is...
A pin.