Today we tried our hands at felting. Here's how:
First we laid out some wool fibres on top of a piece of bubble wrap (bubbles up). Then we made a second layer on top running the opposite direction to the first layer. We added a third layer, again alternating the direction the fibres were laid down.
Next we added small pieces of wool, silk, and yarns to decorate our top layer.
We covered the finished pile of fibres with a piece of net, this keeps them in place whilst we felt.
Next we wet the pile with hot water.
We rubbed in some soap and then gave it a good rub all over for several minutes. The fibres were beginning to felt together.
Next carefully remove the net layer and then roll up the fibres with the bubble wrap. Roll on the table for a few minutes. Then open, rotate 90 degrees, roll up and repeat.
Once the piece is felted, wash out the soap under hot water and rub the felt against itself.
Lastly squeeze out the water and then throw the felt repeatedly in the sink. This firms it up and shrinks it a bit more.
Here are the finished pieces.
L's felt - front |
L's felt - back |
R's felt - front |
R's felt - back |
Now we have learnt how to felt we are going to make a piece depicting a landscape. Watch this space.