
Friday 5 April 2013

Birds At The Lewers gallery

We seem to be having a mini project this week on birds (purely unplanned though!). As the weather was looking a bit rainy today we decided to go and see the new "Birds" exhibition at the Lewers Gallery in Penrith. The exhibition has been designed especially for families. We got a couple of activity kits from the reception and took them into the gallery.

The first section was a museum style room with bird specimens, nests, bird predator specimens, eggs and bird pellets. We used the activity sheet to investigate wing span.

In the next room the children had a go at making a half bird-half man creature inspired by art works on display.

Choosing body parts

By L

By R

The next room was about bird characters. The children put some dialogue into the birds speech bubbles under the paintings and then dressed up as characters of their own.

In the last room we looked at some bird sculptures and then made our own card and cardboard sculptures. The children also coloured a bird to stick on the gallery wall.

Following on with the bird theme we will soon be visiting Birds Australia. Stay tuned for more.

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