
Sunday 7 July 2013

Summer of Colour week 4- Grey and Pink

We didn't have much time for Summer of Colour this week. I just got out the right paint colours and we painted whatever we liked.

4 wheel driving by R

Driving in the city by L

Cityscape by Mum

Girls dancing by L

Flags by Mum

Caravan by R


  1. Oh my goodness! I love them all and am so happy to see the whole family involved! Mom - I love your city scape!!!!

  2. Fabulous flow and creativity- what fun!

  3. I'm kinda glad you painted this time, these are so COOL!!! I love that even the kids played again too. The titles for each picture is great, your kids have great imaginations and illustrations for them. I love these!!

  4. Everyone was up for the challenge !! Ali x

  5. Gorgeous work, I love your cityscape, and the work by the children is so gorgeous. Great work!! :)
