
Saturday 15 June 2013

Summer of Colour - Week 1

For the next few weeks we will be taking the Summer of Colour challenge by Twinkle Twinkle.

Each week we are given a colour prompt and we will be making some art work using those colours. This week we started with citron green and turquoise. Here are our creations:

Turtle and fish by R

flowers by L

Giant clams by mum

Peacock feathers by Mum


  1. I love that you are all doing this challenge together and what lovely nature images

  2. Hi, Helen :). I'm in awe looking at all the beautiful pieces you and the children had created. Extra WOWWW for the kids :). Amazing talented family.

  3. Loving the family participation. Happy SOC, Annette x

    Annette No 39

  4. What very lovely work! Great also to see a home educating family joining in (I used to home educate my daughter here in the UK) Your children have done such fun pictures! And your own are great too, I love them both.
    Zoe @ Top Floor Treasures

  5. I ADORE the creations by your children. I love the freedom children show when creating. I am doing ICAD with my daughter and I love the freedom she has. Love the line work in your clams! Great use of the Summer of Color colours.

  6. WOW! I love all of the works of art here! Such a creative and fun thing to do as a family!!! I love "Mum's" peacock feathers and clams - so, so beautiful!!!And I especially like the flowers and turtles, too!

  7. Nice work hel...the kids did a fab job too...x

  8. Ok, I love this so so much! Really, to hear that you are doing this with your children - and then to see their beautiful work - is so special. Thank you for sharing it :) Please tell R & L that I love their mixed-media pieces and that I hope they show us more :) And same goes for Mum, your pieces are gorgeous, xoxo

  9. I LOVE what you and the kids have made, soooo awesome!! I read your post for this week too and WOW, totally awesome and cool. Sewing like this is on my list to learn, now I want to learn NOW!!

    So sweet that the kids are included in with you, enjoy this precious time with them. Mine are older and I'm trying to get them involved but so far they don't want to. Hope yours will be your creative buddies for a long time.

    Can't wait to see what you make next week, do you have the kids help vote for the colors or is just you voting?
