
Friday 28 June 2013

Printed Fabric Bookmarks

This week's Summer of Colour challenge was lime green and Purple. R was keen to have another go at the sewing machine so we chose to make fabric bookmarks. First we decorated the fabric using a Gelli plate print.

It gets really messy so make sure you have everything ready before you begin.

  • A Gelli plate (or home made gelatine slab).
  • Paint - we used acrylics but you could use fabric paint if you want to wash the item
  • Rollers (brayers).
  • Fabric - we used white cotton.
  • Items to make marks with or to use as masks. We used cotton buds, bubble wrap, bits of net and fabric, buttons, card shapes, a paint scraper, paper flowers. Anything!
  • A brush to slap the paint on and water to clean it.
  • A washing up bowl and lots of baby wipes.
  • A place to put the prints down - you'll make quite a few. 

First you need to roll your lightest colour all over the Gelli plate, don't put too much.

Make marks in the paint and/or mask some areas off.

Place the fabric over the paint and either smooth with your hands or a roller.

Pull the fabric off and you have your print. Let it dry a bit and then do another colour over the top.

Next we got sewing on top of the dry prints. You can sew randomly or try to follow some of the patterns in the print. Try all sorts of straight and machine stitches. 

Once they are all decorated stick 2 prints back to back (right sides showing) using Bondaweb fusible webbing. Then cut them into bookmarks using scissors, a rotary cutter or pinking shears. Sew either around close to the edge (if you cut a zig-zag edge), or sew right over the edge (for the straight ones). If you have an eyelet setter you can insert and eyelet and a ribbon. 

Bookmarks side 1 by R

Bookmarks side 2 by R

Bookmarks side 1 by L

Bookmarks side 2 by L

Bookmarks side 1 by Mum

Bookmarks side 2 by Mum

As you can see below, lots of reading happens in this house so the bookmarks will get lots of use.


  1. It's so good to see these again, love how they turned out. How cute the kids are in these photos, they did such a great job. Can't even pick a favorite, love them all. What a great idea to make them into bookmarks, I'm a bookworm too.
    Can't wait to see what you all make next week!

  2. Ohh, can I come over and play too??. This is sooo much fun, seeing the kids and you making art!!. Wonderful, amazing bookmarks!!. LOVE them dearly :).

  3. Very cool bookmarks! I love that you children get into the act with art, too! Beautiful!!!!

  4. A fun idea to do with the children. Love how the bookmarks came out. :)

  5. Always love ideas that involve kids. They should be very please with their bookmarks.
