
Saturday 11 May 2013

Historic Breakfast

Today we all got up hideously early to attend a historic breakfast and re-enactment. On this day 200 years ago Blaxland, Wentworth,  Lawson, and their party set off from nearby South Creek to find a way across the Blue Mountains. We joined friends and the public at this commemorative event put on by Penrith Council. We got to hear extracts from the explorers own journals of the time along with modern poetry read by actor Jack Thompson (we found out he was also home educated) . There was the formal unveiling of the commemorative plaque before the "explorers" set out on the first leg of their 21 day journey, accompanied by horses, dogs and a group of kids in period costume. We enjoyed a sausage breakfast and live music before heading out for the rest of the day.

The explorers ready to go

Afterwards we also set off into the foothills of the Blue Mountains for a picnic and play at Euroka Picnic Area and camp-ground. There we spotted many kookaburras and lit up a camp fire.

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