
Tuesday 30 April 2013


Yesterday we went to the Art Gallery of New South Wales, principally to look at the Archibald Prize for portraits. Of course we couldn't take photos but here are some images from the gallery's website. You can see all the pictures on display here.

After we had seen the portraits in the Archibald prize we took in the Wynne (landscapes) and Sulman (subject, genre, murals) prizes. We then looked at a few of the permanent galleries. The children liked these "machine" sculptures.

Afterwards there was time for a walk through the nearby Botanic Gardens.

Today the children did a pencil sketch of a face. We talked about the position of the features on the face, in particular the eyes. The children were not too convinced when I told them the eyes come about half way down the face, so we measured each others faces to see if it was true. I showed the children how to make guide lines on the face in order to get the features positioned correctly. The children also took some convincing that hair covers the head and doesn't sprout from a halo around it. Here are their finished sketches.

By R

By L

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