
Thursday 25 April 2013

ANZAC Day 2013

Today is ANZAC day, Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, the day for remembering everyone who has fought and died for their country.

L was not feeling too good so we didn't make the memorial service this year. Instead we stayed at home and read up on ANZAC day and of course made ANZAC biscuits.

"Caesar the ANZAC Dog" is a true story of a dog who accompanied New Zealand soldiers to the trenches in WWI. He worked as a read cross dog locating injured soldiers. Beware it's a real tear jerker.

"ANZAC Day" tells about Australia's military involvement in different conflicts since WWI, and explains the meaning of ANZAC day.

After our reading we made ANZAC biscuits similar to those sent by relatives to soldiers serving overseas. We used this recipe from Taste.Com.

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