
Wednesday 4 July 2012

People - At The Art Gallery Of NSW

Today the children and I went into Sydney to visit the Art Gallery Of New South Wales. Our aim was to look at the collection and choose our favourite works with images of people. These selections will form the basis of our artist study next term. The galleries have been rearranged since we last went so we got to see some art work that we had not seen before. The children were soon on the look out for people in art. We will narrow down our favourites to 8 pieces to study in depth. The children drew some of their favourite pieces on location in the gallery.

R (just like Dad) was not impressed with some of the contemporary sculptures shouting out loudly "that's a pile of rubbish". Here is a sample of the many artworks they were drawn to.

The children decided that the piece below was a zombie. R made a sketch of the sculpture which was actually called "Circe" by Bertram Mackennal.

Here L is sketching "Casting The Spell" by Charles Douglas Richardson. On the same page is her "zombie" from above. 

We like this painting "Study For The Spirit Of The New Moon" by Arthur Loureiro. R's sketch is below.

R picked out this picture "The Serpent" by George Lambert

L likes this; "The Telephone Box" by John Brack. She thought it looked like a man in jail.

Here's "First-class Marksman" by Sidney Nolan along with R's interpretation.

We called this one "cactus head". It's "No. 35 Madame Sophie Sesostoris" by James Gleeson and Robert Klippel. R's version is pretty spiky too.

Here is "Haft" by Antony Gormley and the children's interpretation (R left, L right)

The children liked watching this film art. The body was projected onto the mannequins and rolled between them.

Here's L with "Woman Of Venice 7" by Alberto Giacometti. They had fun hopping about the gallery with heavy feet in the style of the statue.

We took lots of other pictures too, making sure to include realistic and abstract pieces in a variety of media including print, paint and sculpture. We'll choose some more and make our own soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had fun...we live the art
