
Saturday 23 June 2012

Term In Review

The term is coming to an end and before I begin planning the next one I thought I'd look back over our successes and failures for this term.

Ten out of ten

Firstly we've had some fantastic group learning experiences; aboriginal camp, art, basketball, music, museums and roller skating to name a few. This coming term we have a road trip and camp at Dubbo to look forward to and lots more besides.

Assigned reading of topic books has worked really well and I have found it is a fantastic way to keep the kids quite in the car! The library books actually get read and R gets a wider perspective on topics by reading from a variety of authors.

Phonics and tricky words with Jolly Phonics has worked it's magic with L who is now confidently reading Oxford Reading Tree books for year 1 children.

We have purchased the Maths-On-Line curriculum (home school discount), which seems to be more in-depth and challenging than StudyLadder. The children really like it.

We are still following the Mr Q life sciences curriculum and we have made this more comprehensive with nature study, trips and extra experiments.

We are still enjoying using The Story Of The World history curriculum. We've made some great models, recipes and art works and performed some cool experiments from the accompanying activity guide.

The children have cooked every week and, whilst not always healthy, at least they have made something.

The children have made excellent progress in swimming, R now swims about 10 lengths of the 25m pool and is learning breaststroke whilst L can swim the whole of the training pool and is getting the hang of breathing to the side.

Must try harder

One of the major issues we have is that we are doing so much there isn't time to slot in extra activities or random projects that the children request. So next term I plan to do 4 weeks "core" curriculum, just like we have been doing, followed by a week of project. Then another 4 weeks core and a weeks project. I plan to base the projects weeks around whatever the children are interested in at that moment. Currently it's taking apart the car to see how it works. Eek!

Our artworks this term have mainly been done as part of other topics and we have not completed much in the way of directed art and experimental art, I hope to remedy this next term when we will concentrate on the human form in art.

Whilst R has worked through lots of spelling and grammar activities we still have not done a great deal in the way of writing. Poems and stories here we come!

The kids have made excellent progress in music lessons but we have not actually listened to many different types of music. Another idea for the car next term.

Whether any of this will actually happen, who knows? Check back soon to see...

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